Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture
What is Auricular Acupuncture?
Auricular acupuncture is a therapy based on the theory that the ear is a micro system of the entire body. Symptoms and illnesses can be relieved and/or treated by stimulating points of the ear. Often, these points become active or sensitive when that area of the body or mind needs treating.
I use auricular points alongside body points to enhance your overall treatment. Auricular points can often be easier to access than some body points. They add an additional dimension to treatments.
As as well needles, I use ear seeds and magnets on ear points which are held in place by small plasters. These are left on the points for you to press between treatments to keep the point stimulated between appointments. This gives a longer lasting, continual treatment.
Auricular acupuncture treatments
Auricular acupuncture treatments are used alongside body acupuncture points in regular acupuncture treatments. But, there are specific treatments available.
A course of specific auricular acupuncture treatments is available for each of the following areas:
- Stopping smoking
- Weight loss and over eating
- Gaming and gambling addiction
- Insomnia